MOTOTRBO XPR5000e Series

Mobile Two-Way Radio

With high-performance integrated voice and data, and advanced features for efficient operation, these next-generation MOTOTRBOTM radios deliver complete connectivity to your organization. These radios include integrated Wi-Fi, over-the-air software updates, Bluetooth® 4.0 and indoor location tracking. With support for trunking as well as legacy analog technology, you can keep your organization connected as it grows. Text messaging and Work Order Ticketing simplify complex communications, and data capabilities support advanced applications. Featuring a high power audio amplifier, these radios deliver loud, clear speech, with background noise cancellation for better intelligibility. XPR 5000e Series radios are also ideal as a dispatch solution, with desktop microphones and a rugged, durable design for everyday use.

XPR 5000e Series radios include:

XPR 5550e: Color alphanumeric display, VHF and UHF
XPR 5580e: Color alphanumeric display, 800/900
XPR 5350e: Numeric display, VHF and UHF
XPR 5380e: Numeric display, 800/900

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